Articles on: General

Deal with Column types (Property)

What’s a column type?
Each columns of your databases have a type. Below you can find 6 columns, with 6 different type identified by their icon.
- Expense of type Title
- Amount of type Number
- Category of type Select
- Date of type Date
- Comment of type Text
- Property of type Formula

Here you find notion property types

Data Jumbo types

To simplify your process of chart creation, these columns types are grouped into 4 categories

quantitative (blue)

formula (if it contains only numbers)
rollup (if it contains only numbers)

date (green)

created time
last edited time
formula (if it contains dates)
rollup (if it contains dates)

categorical (yellow)

multi select
created by
last edited by

unique (purple)

rich text
phone number
unique ID

Rollup is an exception, it get the type of its original property.

Each group is associated with a color in Data Jumbo source file section.

Which types to use in Data Jumbo?

For Values ( Y axis )

Quantitative type is recommended

Only quantitative types (number and formula) can be used for displaying their value or for mathematical functions like sum or average. Remember to change the type of your columns if necessary.

Use column of type number as much as you can
In the example below, the first **score** column is typed as rich text . Data Jumbo will read it as text. Instead, use a column type number (indicated by a #) so you will be able to use it as numerical value and calculate.
database with richt text and number types

All of the other types can only be use as count. For example, if you want to know how many time a checkbox is checked or specific value appears in a column

For Labels ( X axis )

The type date is very useful especially when you want to group values by month, day, or even hour of the day
The categorical ones are great as Label for grouping by value or count values for each single category
The unique typed columns will be useful to compare values of single rows
You can use a quantitative type for Labels, but it might not make sense

Updated on: 18/06/2024

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