Articles on: FAQ

Does Data Jumbo offer a free trial

Data Jumbo is a powerful tool that allows Notion users to create charts from their databases. Many users may be curious about whether Data Jumbo offers a free trial before committing to a paid subscription. This guide will provide information on Jumbo' free trial offerings.

Free Trial Offer

Data Jumbo doesn't have a try-before-you-buy option for its costlier plans. But, it does give you a free version with a few tools to play around with. This free version is like a test drive, helping you understand what Data Jumbo is all about. If you like what you see, you can then choose to pay for the full version with more features.

How to Sign Up for Free Version

To sign up for free version, you can visit the Data Jumbo website and scroll down to the "Pricing" table. From there, you can select the "Free" plan and create an account.

Updated on: 18/06/2023

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