Articles on: Features

Filter rows

Filters are pretty useful to keep and display only the rows that you care about. They lets you define rules to ignore rows.


Keep only the rows edited today or this last 3 days
Remove the rows containing empty cells
Use only rows that contains a specific value

How to create a filter?

You will find the filters in the bottom part of “Chart data”

You will find the filters in the bottom part of “Chart data”

The filters aims to hide rows, each rule will define which ones to hide.

Pick a column to be used as filter

Its type matters, you won’t have access to the same filters depending on it. For example, only column of type number or formula can be filter by “is over”. Learn more about types here: Deal with Column types (Property)

Pick a filter

Filter nameDescription
is emptycell empty
is not emptycell has a value
is equal tocell is equal to an exact parameter
is not equal tocell is anything but a parameter
containsdoes the value contain the parameter
does not containdoes the value not contain the parameter
is overstrictly over a specified parameter (only for quantitative types)
is understrictly under a specified parameter (only for quantitative types)
is beforeif a date is before the parameter (only for date type)
is afterif a date is before the parameter (only for date type)
is … days beforeif a date is N days before today - N as parameter (only for date type)
is … days afterif a date is N days after today - N as parameter (only for date type)
is not current…if a date during the current day, week, month or year

Last be not least, define the parameter of the filter. It will be necessary for all filters but is empty or is not empty

Applying a filter lets keep ALL rows but the ones that matches the filter. For example:
Column valueFilterParameter⇒ Result
10, 34, 12is over2010, 12
tomato, peas, chickpeascontainspeastomato
8 Oct 2021, 10 Dec 2021is before1 Dec 202110 Dec 2021


Keep on the rows where the column Date is after May 12th 2022

Keep only the last 30 days

Keep only when date is today. It makes the filter adapts to it’s day

Keep only when date is yesterday. To applied it to tomorrow, just switch the parameter -1 and 1

Keep only positive values

Keep only when the Total profit is filled

Keep only if the checkbox Journal is checked

Updated on: 18/06/2023

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