How to create your first chart
Congratulations on connecting your Notion workspace to Data Jumbo! Now it's time to create your first chart. This guide will walk you through the process of creating a chart from your Notion data.Some readersHow to connect your Notion workspace
In order to use Data Jumbo, you will need to connect your Notion workspace. This will allow you to select the Notion database you want to use to create your charts. Connecting Your Notion Workspace After signing in or signing up to Data Jumbo, you will be prompted to connect your Notion workspace. Click on the "Connect Notion" button. You will be asked to give permissions to our app to access your Notion workspace. Once you have given the app the necessary permissions, you wilFew readersShare a database with Data Jumbo
If you don’t find your database in the list of databases when you try to create a new chart, it’s probably because it’s not shared with Data Jumbo. Know if you share a database with Data Jumbo To know if you share a database with Data Jumbo, sFew readersHow to sign up and sign in
In order to start using Data Jumbo, you will need to sign up and sign in using your Google account or email and password. This will allow you to connect your Notion workspace and create charts from your Notion databases. Sign Up Go to our website and click on the "Get started" button. In the dialog you need to click on "Sign up" button Now you can decide if you want to login with your google account or with your email and password. After successful regiFew readers